Matt & Jessica Trash the Dress | South Florida Wedding Photographer
Most of you know that I have been doing my fair share of traveling recently. But what most of you don't know is how bummed I've been that South Florida doesn't offer much in the way of old barns, fields of wild flowers, wooden fences etc... I loved the change of scenery that Nashville offered and it left me feeling very disheartened at the shortage of "venue" variety in my area. Until yesterday.  I left M&J's session with salt on my skin, two bags of fresh caught dolphin fillets and feeling darn proud to be a South Florida Wedding Photographer. I owe a huge thanks to Matt & Jessica for being wonderful and going along with my ideas for a trash the dress adventure. I really have the coolest clients.I feel like I could goon for 10 minutes about how great this couple is. Seriously, I feel like they were sent from God. I guess they probably were. Jessica's thoughtfulness and Matt's kindness married perfectly to make one amazing duo. Jessica, thank you for everything. Matt, you are a sensational husband and Jessica is a blessed wife to have you!So without further blah blah blah...
I always start my trash the dress sessions with some pretty bridal "portraits".
How cool is this chick? M&J love boating and Matt built this boat so I made sure to snap a few "action" shots.
I am so proud of this next one. This effect was not photoshopped. Hello angel.Matt wanted to trash himself too. So we let him.
I didn't make any promises about not blogging his "stripes" though...
Back to the good stuff...
I grew up boating and I would've loved a shot like this one of my new hubby. So this one's for you Mrs. DeYoung.
And to make matters even hotter...