Leslie's Baby Shower
I was blessed this weekend by being invited to photograph a very precious occasion. Leslie Plum  is expecting a baby boy in February and her shower was on Saturday. Leslie is the extremely sweet and beautiful best friend of Lindsey Jordan who you may remember from a recent post. (Birds of a feather...) Although I was just there to take pictures, I felt an incredible amount of warmth the minute I walked through the door. Leslie's family and friends were so welcoming that I felt like I had known them for years! It was such a privilege to be in the presence of that kind of love.The stunning mommy-to-be:Sweet little shower scenes:
A special gift for Grandma:
The super adorable BFFs:
More sweet shower scenes (the middle is a special quilt from Grandma):
And a special prayer of blessing and thanks for a precious little boy:
Congratulations on your new little bundle Leslie. Drew is very fortunate to be joining such a wonderful family.